Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 4

This is only day 4? Christ! Here we go. After a much needed break, I’m back… and it looks like I’ve reached Sodom and Gomorrah. Let’s begin, shall we?

·         Gen 18:20 Then the lord said “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so great that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me.”
He doesn’t know? This occurs so often that whenever god doesn’t know something that he should, I’m simply going to respond with “omniscient” instead of elaborating on this contradiction as I have in earlier posts.
·         Gen 19:8 “Look, I have two [virgin] daughters. Let me bring them out to you and you can do what you like with them.”

This is Lot’s solution when faced with an angry mob that are looking to rape angels…”No,no, rape my daughters instead.” He couldn’t come up with a more reasonable solution, like a circle jerk and a group therapy session? That would ease the sexual tension and probably would have saved the city from the wrath of god. So much for critical thinking and Christian morality…

·         Gen 19:16-23  In these verses, god is attempting to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, but Lot is taking his sweet time leaving the area, preventing god from destroying the cities:

“But flee from there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach [safety].” (Gen 19:22)

So, a mere human has rendered god powerless over the situation? An omnipotent being couldn’t protect Lot while destroying the cities? Is god devoid of that ability, or perhaps he can’t multi-task?

·         Let’s take a look back, shall we?
god just destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 19:24) after promising Abraham that he wouldn’t (Gen 18:23-33).
In this conversation between god and Abraham, Abraham shows concern for god killing righteous people, to which god replies “I will not destroy it,” with “it” referring to Sodom. Abraham poses scenarios to god “what if you find 50 righteous people there,” eventually working his way down to 10. With each number thrown out, god says “I will not destroy it.” One can logically conclude that god is saying that no matter how few the righteous may be, he will not destroy the city if they exist. To believe otherwise is to believe that god’s concern for the righteous is limited to 10 or more, meaning he’s willing to kill up to 9 righteous people at any one time.
Well, not only did god destroy the city (which contained Lot, his wife, their two daughters and the daughters boyfriends/fiancés… all deemed righteous by god)  but he turns Lot’s wife (a righteous person) into a pillar of salt (Gen 19:26)
So much for the word of god…
·         Gen 19:23 Lot’s daughters: “Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line…”

Great, the bible advocated incest…  this is the part of the story they leave out of Sunday school.

·         Gen 20:12 “she really is my sister, the daughter of my father… and she became my wife.”

Keeping it in the family… classy!

·         Gen 20:14 More Slaves!!!

·         Gen 22   As a test of faith, god orders Abraham to kill his only son and give him as a burnt offering… of course the son is saved at the last minute (is god not merciful?), but that’s just fucked up. What kind of sick, sadistic being would come up with a test like that? So much for the supposed freewill of man… when one operates out of blind faith, one cannot have free will since they are obligated to the demands of their faith… thus the word “blind.” You can see no other options because your faith and conviction are so strong.

1 comment:

  1. What's really f*cked up about this is that, in the denomination I was in, people like Lot (i.e.clearly immoral douche-bags) in the bible were touted as proof that god chooses people who are imperfect to show his "mercy" and "grace." So they spun this awful story into something they claim you should be grateful for. Disgusting.
