· If god creates day/ night (light/darkness) on the FIRST DAY, but doesn’t create the sun and moon that will “govern the day and night” until the FOURTH DAY, then how can there be light let alone multiple days before the creation of any source of light?
· If in Gen. 2:30 god gives all animals of the earth “every green plant for food”, what happened to the carnivores with their specialized teeth that are designed for consuming flesh? If we’re to understand that god created both herbivores and carnivores at the same time, yet ALL animals ate only plants in the beginning, how did the carnivores survive and why design a group of creatures that is meant to consume something other than plants?
· In Gen. 2:6 god did not send rain, yet streams wandered the whole surface of the ground? Were these streams saltwater perhaps? What we know of freshwater is that most of it comes from rainfall.
· Jumping ahead to Gen. 2:9, god creates the garden of Eden, growing trees from the ground (apparently without rain or freshwater) yet in Gen 2:5 shrubs and plants couldn’t grow because god had not yet sent rain.
· Back to Gen 2:10 Eden has a river flowing through it to water the plants, again we have to assume this is all salt water, which makes a curious choice considering we know salt water to kill plants.
· Gen 2:11… Why is there a need for gold in Eden?
· Adam & Eve: Gen 2:23: “This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called ‘woman’”. So, they should be genetically identical, which would make Eve a man, despite any arbitrary label Adam gives it/her. Assuming Eve is actually a woman, one can logically assume they are very closely related genetically (brother and sister), yet god commands them to “be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”(Gen 1:28) Is god advocating incest?
· Gen 3:6 Adam is suddenly Eve’s husband? When did they marry?
· Gen 3:9 god called to the man “where are you?” Gen 3:10 “Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?” (question posed to Adam only after Adam reveals that he knows he’s naked) Gen 4:9 “Where is your brother Abel?” Would an all-knowing, omniscient being really be so ignorant?
· Adam and Eve only gave birth to sons, so how does Cain have a wife?
· If the biblical lineage looks like this: Adam and Eve…> Cain/Able…> Enoch…> Irad…> Mehujael…> Mefhushael…> Lamech and each subsequent generation only gives birth to a son, then is Eve the mother of all six subsequent generations in addition to being the wife of each? If not, then why are the only two women mentioned (Adah and Zillah, both married to Lamech) six generations apart from Adam and Eve? Where did these two women come from and why is Naamah (Zillah’s daughter) the only mention of female offspring up to this point? Why is it important to note female offspring now as opposed earlier?
And this concludes my questions for day one. It kind of reads like a soap opera, huh?